Sponsor: Chris Bauerle


Laura Goodman
Eve Bailey
Lauren Bowles
Laura Metzger
Claudia Grimm
Caleb Renyer
Roman Scoby
Tallen Kiem
Tyse Frazee
McKenna Gatz


FFA Mission Statement: FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

FFA Motto: Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.


Kendrick Edelman
Kate Beyer
Megan Brockoff
Cole Grimes
Aiden Lang
Anthony Deters
Drew Bestwick



Pictures of the FFA Nursery & Landscape teams that competed at Holton on Sept. 22.


2021-2022 Sabetha FFA Event/Important Dates
Date Event Location
10/26/21-10/30/21 FFA National Convention  Indianapolis, IN
11/19/21  FFA Leadership  N/A at this moment
 12/1/21 FFA Horse Judging  N/A at this moment
 12/9/21  FFA Advisory  N/A at this moment
 1/12/22  FFA Speech  N/A at this moment
1/27/22 FFA Advisory  N/A at this moment
 2/2/22  FFA Meats  N/A at this moment
3/3/22 FFA Advisory N/A at this moment
3/23/22 FFA Ag Mech./Poultry N/A at this moment
3/25/22 FFA Fort Scott N/A at this moment
4/6/22 FFA CDE N/A at this moment
4/14/22 FFA Advisory N/A at this moment
4/20/22 FFA Livestock & Agronomy N/A at this moment
4/25/22 FFA District Banquet N/A at this moment


FFA State Contests N/A at this moment
5/19/22 FFA Advisory N/A at this moment


Tyler Menold
Colin Menold
Nate Menold
Ellie Wessel
Kaleb Menold
Jenna Rokey
Emerson Montgomery
Nyah Stram
Nekoda Niehues
Cullen Wikle
Logan LaVoie
Aiden Lang
Kean Haverkamp
Cole Grimes
Trinity Detweiler
Jessica Gruber
Drew Bestwick
Jacob Garber
Sara Heimo
Noah Kroll
Anthony Deters
Kate Beyer


Megan Brockoff
Thadd Menold
Paul Pearson
Simon Engelken
Sadie Krogman
Madison Bulk
Jake Beyer
Kendrick Edelman
Campbell Brown


Page Created by: Sara Heimo

Last Updated: November 10, 2021