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Prairie Hills USD 113


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Teacher: Mrs. Walker


Course Description
Nutrition and Wellness  Nutrition and Wellness B explores the relationship of basic nutrition and wellness across the lifespan. It includes an in-depth look at special dietary needs, regulations, technology and the global impact on nutrition and food choices. How to make wise nutritional and wellness choices to develop a healthy self will be a major component of this course as well as an introduction to the occupations related to the field.
Career and Community Connections Career and Community Connections is the Application level course for the learner to apply technical skills in a professional learning experience, unpaid or paid, outside or within the school environment. Included will be continued development and finalization of the student’s portfolio. Career and Community Connections provides the opportunity for learners to focus on career related topics, team building and effectiveness in the world of work, and acquiring job-seeking skills and retention needed to advance within the workplace.
Human Growth and Development  Human Growth and Development A provide students with knowledge about the physical, mental, emotional, and social growth and development of humans from conception to old age, with a special emphasis on birth through school age. Course content will provide an overview of life stages, with a strong tie to prenatal and birth processes; fundamentals of children’s emotional and physical development; and the appropriate care of children.
Family Studies Family Living courses emphasize building and maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships among family members and other members of society. These courses often emphasize (but are not limited to) topics such as social/dating practices, human sexuality and reproduction, marriage preparation, parenthood and the function of the family unit, and the various stages of life. They may also cover topics related to individual self-development, career development, personal awareness, and preparation for the responsibilities of a family member and wage earner.
Foundations of Child Development  Foundations of Child Development provide students with knowledge about the physical, mental, emotional, and social growth and development of children from conception to preschool age, emphasizing the application of this knowledge in child care settings.  This course typically includes related topics such as the appropriate care of infants, toddlers, and young children.
Early Childhood Education  This workplace experience course provides students with work experience in fields related to caring for others.  Goals are typically set cooperatively by the student, teacher, and employer (although students are not necessarily paid). This course may include classroom activities as well, involving further study of the field or discussion regarding experiences that students encounter in the workplace.


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